Saturday, December 06, 2008

Winter, yeah.

Winter in Florida. I still feel hot, mostly because the heat is always cranked up inordinately, compensating in these first few cold weeks. Floridians can't handle the sub-70 days.

Short story ideas remind me of (*gasp*) Sexual Arousal. The idea arrives, and the act of writing, scratching the itch as it were, is at the option of the writer. I file most away for later, myself, in notebooks, which probably means something in this analogy also.

The semester is ending. I need a break. This semester wasn't academically difficult, I was just really occupied by far too much stuff. Next semester is my last at my current school, theoretically.

Watching the re-broadcast of the Manchester United / Sunderland game from earlier today. Good play..... for the most part. Ferdinand v. Ferdinand (PS what a game, and also, the Villa/Toffees game was killer too - dramatic!)

A few more thoughts. First, there is a section in the book store that contains chairs that are mostly used by homeless people. What is it about the bookstore that attracts the homeless? Is it the casual "browse and sip" atmosphere mixed with the absence of authoritative managers harassing them to buy or leave? Sounds likely.

Finally, a thought on the holiday season. The "Home Sushi Kit" is officially the new "Fondue Set" in that it is likely to be looked at with a forced, crooked smile when unwrapped, stored in a cupboard for roughly two years, then moved to a closet, then the attic. Then, five years later, it will somehow survive the decision about what to take over to the local Goodwill, will be opened, and terrible, floppy, poorly shaped sushi will be crafted clumsily and inexpertly, and then the damned thing will get tossed once and for all.

Yours is on the way. Merry Christmas.