Monday, January 21, 2008

Hello Blog.

I didn't post at all in December. Whoops! Time slipped away. Since then I've finished yet another semester at school, one in which I felt like I did some pretty good writing and revising. I'm sure that stuff will lead to either:

1.) Fresh stacks of Rejection Letters (I'm running low!)
2.) Otherwise

So that's exciting.

Done studying Jack Kerouac now. I liked focusing on his work, but I must admit, the proportion of my enjoyment in reading "Dharma Bums" was inverse to my "enjoyment" in reading "The Subterraneans." I guess I'm just not as advanced as ol' Jack, what with liking sentence structure, plot layout, character development that doesn't happen in bursts of forward/backward idea spurting... or something.

Conversely, the "vignette collection" style writing of Irvine Welsh in the novel "Trainspotting" was nifty, and I enjoyed reading the book as difficult as the vernacular was at the beginning of the process (you get used to it after a few chapters).

Right now I'm reading Tim Powers' "Anubis Gates" (for a class, actually), and enjoying it quite a bit. Also on the docket for study this semester:

William Gibson
Jack McDevitt
Vernor Vinge

Sort of a "science fiction literature" class. Enjoyable, for me anyway.

Nothing else new to report, really... have done a bunch of writing, but I've been "refueling" more and scribbling down ideas while I've been working on other junk. There are some good ones, thus far.

I probably am doing a reading of my stuff for a festival at my school (The Kerouac Festival, still celebrating the 50th anniversary of the release of "On The Road"), also... though the details about that are forthcoming still. I'll post them when I have them.