Thursday, June 05, 2008


I just saw "Control," a film about Joy Division. It was fantastic. The story about Ian Curtis is by no means a happy one..... but the telling was excellent.

I highly recommend seeing it (it just came out on DVD, though I saw it in the local "art theatre").

Just to quickly relay a situation, though, we found ourselves in the theatre with some pretty rude folks. About... oh, say, 5/8ths (specific!) of the way through the film, a girl in the back started laughing. She didn't stop, both laughing and talking, for the rest of the film, giggling in outbursts as Ian Curtis' life was descending into chaos. I actually got up and walked back to ask them to stop being rude, but when I approached their table the guy sitting with the girl pulled her up against him as though I was coming to attack them or something, so I turned around and returned to my seat.

The Enzian is a dinner theater, so a certain amount of "conversation" is expected, but a larger amount of respect is sort of... expected, ya know? It isn't a dollar theater, they aren't showing "Baby Mama" that you are totally cool to talk through, and you expect people to talk through it as it speaks to the sort of people who know they are much more important than everyone else, and their giggling emotional conversation is necessary to have right then, in the theater, everyone else be damned.

I guess it is sort of elitist to think that there are certain places that the rude, inconsiderate and, well, ignorant don't go. Maybe it is just naive. I think definitely, though, that those that actually pay attention at the movie theater, in the classroom, in events where focus is directed on one task, those that can let the attention float away from us for a while, need to stand up for quiet.

So, people in the theater tonight - I'm sorry I didn't stand up and tell you to shut the hell up. I'm sorry I didn't tell you that you were being rude. I did you a disservice because I don't think you realized you were being obnoxious, I don't think you could comprehend that someone would actually want to be quiet for 90 minutes straight without even having a loud, giggling conversation. Next time I'll let you know - for your sake and mine.

I wish I didn't get this pissed off about stuff like this. I'm probably overreacting, but dammit, I wanted to pay attention to the movie!