Saturday, June 21, 2008

Afternoon thoughts while doing homework.

Here I am excitedly waiting for Sumo wrestling to come on TV while I study about the facts of volcanic activity in the Earth and read intermittently. I got Nicholson Baker's "The Mezzanine" in the mail the other day. So far... it is... so micro aware... that I love it and hate it... etc.

I've also got a Gary Lutz book to read, though... who knows when I'll get to that. Eh.

I was in the yard doing some work earlier and there was a black snake cruising around the yard. The cats, from the screened-in porch, were fascinated. I wouldn't give the snake long against them... they're merciless playmates.

Well, alright, in the course of pecking away at this uninteresting blog entry, the Sumo has ended and Netherlands v. Russia is on the Tele... this has the makings of a great game. Better go watch.