I've spent most of the summer in ways that I cannot account for. There has been lots of work at my job, exceptional amounts of work at home (giving my creative space the overhaul I mentioned a while back). I got rid of a lot of clutter in my room, house, etc. Oh, and I've been playing an MMORPG for those times I can't think. I burned myself pretty hard. This summer has been like the burn ward for me... not a lot of movement, just recovery.
I've written some stories, done some revisions, sent a piece or two out... but I can't think during the summer. I have a supremely difficult time having meaningful, focused "brain sessions" due to the oppressive heat, obnoxious humidity, painful sunlight, and miserable allergens. It has been... lame.
I hold a small, decorative but simple package in my heart. Inside is the thought that I will, someday soon, return to a climate I can live in. These moldy, air-conditioned caves are beyond intolerable. But, you know, that's just me being bitter. I've been sick because of it, and possibly because of the stress caused by it. Self-perpetuating problems. Hm.
I have a pretty challenging semester ahead of me... although I anticipate that it will be a more clear-cut level of activity when compared to last semester, which was a storm of things to do falling all around me like rain drops. I'll be spending some significant time studying Faulkner, which will be excellent, I'm sure.
I've also had some freelance video work recently, which is always nice in terms of extra cash. We're going to Quebec in September and early October (for my birthday), so being able to afford that, and being able to get a little out of debt would be nice. Getting out of debt is very much a forefront desire in my mind right now, at least out from under debt not related to school and/or the house.
I applied for a few writing opportunities this year and nothing panned out... internships, etc. That happens sometimes. Possibly, if I were more prolific they would pan out. Perhaps if I were a better writer they'd have taken me. Oh, but I'm a fine writer... just have been disillusioned recently. Last time I read to an audience I was was met with a... tepid response. I'm finding brain space, though, out of necessity. When I don't write much, the stories start brimming over in my head. That's the tough thing about writing, or being open to it... after a while you can't not write.
Once you feed that dragon, it comes home and lives with you. It takes up a lot of space, changes how you do things. "I'd change this around, but the FRIGGIN DRAGON IS IN THE WAY." "I'd move to a smaller place, but WHERE WILL I PUT THIS DAMNED DRAGON?"
I've been overhauling my website, too. I decided to go with a content management system this time around instead of just building it with straight HTML and/or a Dreamweaver template. The process of learning content management systems for this site and another project I'm working on (a new literary journal... online... ooh ahh, more about that another time) has helped me update my web knowledge. I was tragically behind with very little understanding of PHP or CSS. I'd say I know a bit more now. Maybe I'll buy a book. Maybe an eBook. E-BOOK.
That is all... for now.