Spring Semester 08: Complete.
No, I'm not joylessly running through semester after semester, I'm getting down and doing my best to enjoy every moment, every class, every benefit each of them provides for me. Bingo. Anyway, no time to celebrate (much, I did go out for ice cream today, and as if in some sort of cosmically appropriate way, I did not experience any unruly stomach issues), since the summer semester begins in a matter of 5 days from now.
I've got some cool opportunities coming up. As with many of my opportunities, they won't be mentioned in detail as the physical manifestation of said opportunities is limited and they carry, by their very nature, no guarantees. If I tend them and they bear fruit, my dear blog, don't you know that you'll hear about them? Of course you do.
Memory: I was thinking about the last car accident I saw. The front of a VW Bug had propped up the end of a pick up truck. There were no injuries. The pickup was later found to be pregnant.
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Look at me, I'm blogging!
Hi folks, it has been a month and it is time for me to compulsorily (is that a word?) update my life-happenings.
As of this moment I'm on what I hope is the tail end of a ridiculous bout of Bronchitis. Simultaneously, this conniving little bastard of a bug has conspired with my spring-time allergies to create an impenetrable mess of my immune system that involves stuffiness, coughing, headaches, stiffness and a fluctuating temperature.
Am I writing despite all of this? Of course I am. What are you, crazy? Good stuff too, at least it seems good while I'm writing it and later when I read it to someone it sounds crazy and misguided and people look at me the way dogs look at someone who is playing a trombone.
I also got into a nice camera for my weekly adventures and the documentation of said adventures and have been using it liberally. I'll throw a few shots in at the bottom from my Anthropology class that I am currently enrolled in.
Now, if I may muse, I've been thinking a lot recently about hobbies, specifically my own personal tendency to pick up and drop hobbies as though "having hobbies" was my hobby. Maybe the things other folks call hobbies, or devote hobbyist interest to just become assimilated into my world view so that I need no longer spend energy on their pursuit but simply enjoy the collection. Pens, for instance. I haven't bought a new Fountain Pen in months. That's fine, of course, I have TOO MANY as it is. Do I still use them? Of course I do, they're everywhere. Do I still nerd out on forums about them? Not really, simply because the need for more information about pens is no longer there for me. I have the ones I want, I'm content to simply use them and resupply when necessary. Isn't that how a hobby should be, after all? Shouldn't it have some end goal?
I often wonder if one can truly trust one's self, but the key to this riddle is likely to cultivate an understanding of the complex pathways that make up one's logical thought system. The fact is, tracing the reasoning behind every little thought or bias you have in your life is impossible, but understanding your general motivations out of the scope of your own knowledge is DEFINITELY possible. It just takes the time to get to know... you.
Wow, this post is sort of lackluster... lets see........
You're welcome.
Drink Until You See Betty:

Hi folks, it has been a month and it is time for me to compulsorily (is that a word?) update my life-happenings.
As of this moment I'm on what I hope is the tail end of a ridiculous bout of Bronchitis. Simultaneously, this conniving little bastard of a bug has conspired with my spring-time allergies to create an impenetrable mess of my immune system that involves stuffiness, coughing, headaches, stiffness and a fluctuating temperature.
Am I writing despite all of this? Of course I am. What are you, crazy? Good stuff too, at least it seems good while I'm writing it and later when I read it to someone it sounds crazy and misguided and people look at me the way dogs look at someone who is playing a trombone.
I also got into a nice camera for my weekly adventures and the documentation of said adventures and have been using it liberally. I'll throw a few shots in at the bottom from my Anthropology class that I am currently enrolled in.
Now, if I may muse, I've been thinking a lot recently about hobbies, specifically my own personal tendency to pick up and drop hobbies as though "having hobbies" was my hobby. Maybe the things other folks call hobbies, or devote hobbyist interest to just become assimilated into my world view so that I need no longer spend energy on their pursuit but simply enjoy the collection. Pens, for instance. I haven't bought a new Fountain Pen in months. That's fine, of course, I have TOO MANY as it is. Do I still use them? Of course I do, they're everywhere. Do I still nerd out on forums about them? Not really, simply because the need for more information about pens is no longer there for me. I have the ones I want, I'm content to simply use them and resupply when necessary. Isn't that how a hobby should be, after all? Shouldn't it have some end goal?
I often wonder if one can truly trust one's self, but the key to this riddle is likely to cultivate an understanding of the complex pathways that make up one's logical thought system. The fact is, tracing the reasoning behind every little thought or bias you have in your life is impossible, but understanding your general motivations out of the scope of your own knowledge is DEFINITELY possible. It just takes the time to get to know... you.
Wow, this post is sort of lackluster... lets see........
You're welcome.
Drink Until You See Betty:


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